


Sponsor Options

To make the study trip SHAMROCK a success, proper funding is required. There are several options available for companies to support the study trip. These options are listed below. By mutual agreement, it is also possible to create a custom package that suits your wishes.


The SHAMROCK website will be the go-to spot to find information on our study trip. It will be kept up to date on the progress of the organization of the trip, and also feature a blog maintained for friends and family of the participants at home. The website will also feature a company page where your company can place its profile.

Final Report

A final report will be made which contains articles about all the technical and cultural excursions, written by the participants. The report will be handed out to the participants and will be available for employees and students at the Eindhoven University of Technology. It is possible to place your company logo in this report.


To give the participants all the necessary information about the trip, several e-mails will be sent. Your company logo and a link can be included in these mails.


All participants will receive a sweater that will be worn regularly during and after the study trip. The logo of the trip will be on this sweater, and there will be space for your company logo as well.

Pre-program Activities

As pre-study trip warm-up, several activities can be planned. You can give a lunch or pub lecture, allowing you to introduce your company to the study trip participants.


As a company you can sponsor the participants with various kinds of merchandise with your company logo on it. This can be anything that the participants might use during the study trip. A few examples are towels, water bottles and playing cards.


As Dublin is known for its rainy weather, an umbrella is a must when visiting this city. (Un)fortunately, the umbrella can still be used plenty in the Netherlands after the trip. All students will be provided with this umbrella. The logo of your company will be placed on the umbrella, together with the logo of the trip.